Koa Johnson

Narrative writer, Dungeon Master, World Builder, and storyteller at heart.

Koa Johnson

About Koa

Koa Johnson is the Multiliteracy Student Outreach Lead at CSUCI’s Writing and Multiliteracy Center with a Bachelor’s of Art in English with an Emphasis on Creative Writing and a Minor in Psychology, summa cum laude. For the entirety of his creative life he has identified himself as a storyteller. Koa uses his in-depth knowledge of Dungeons and Dragons and other fantasy media to create unique peoples, impressionable personalities, interesting cultures, magical artifacts, and fascinating locales in a variety of mediums like short stories, screenplays, D&D modules, campaigns, and interconnected narratives. For the past four years, he has been freelance producing and publishing creative content online for his patrons and clients designed for immediate play, alongside multiple collaborations with other creators.

Creative Content

game writing samples

Dialogue Trees & Barks

Peer into sample character biographies, dialogue trees, and character barks!


Creative Game-design

Take a look at a number of fully completed projects that include elements of character design, world-building, ancillary description writing that matches the specific project’s style, and small narrative vignettes; all built around the mechanical constraints of the play system of Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition with specific project aesthetics and goals in mind.

Literary Fiction

World-Building at a Glance

Look at faction and worldbuilding samples of the larger world of Faenera that showcases more in-depth character creation and design with a focus on cultural and gender diversity alongside rich locales found within snippets of the Gazetteer section.

Alternative Fantasy

The Rotwater Dillemma

Take a glimpse of a fully fleshed 40 page sci-fi module that takes aquaculture to the next, mutated level in a dystopic, sci-fi city with dangerous cyber-gangs, conniving businessmen, and radical eco-terrorists.

Literary Fiction


Take a look at a few brief stories, each only around 1,000 words, that showcase unique characters, compelling dialogue, and established settings.

Literary Fiction

Short Stories

Witness longer, more in-depth short stories, each 2,500 to 4,500 words that intertwine two distinct characters as they uncover the secrets of the Dwimor.


A Child of Fire

Look into the first act of A Child of Fire, a screenplay that follows a demon-child born into a villainous family that simply wants to be a farmer.

Contact Me

You can find me on the following platforms, or email me at koa.johnson99@gmail.com