

Name: Lysandra Praelixan 

Pronouns: She/Her

Race: Elvish

Age: Mid 40s

Allegiance: Negatively aligned with the Dwimor (Arcane faction)

Purpose: Potential magic and spell merchant to player

Lysandra Praelixan is an older prodigy of the arcane arts, mistrustful to those who seek out magic. She was banished from the Dwimor Institute of the Arcane (Arcane Faction) 5 years ago due to her applying ‘forbidden’ in her chosen area of studying, Dysology, to try and produce beneficial spells based out of aberrant creatures. She now resides in a hidden remote cave surrounded by natural magic emitted from crystals where she continues her research. She is aloof, suspicious, and rough around the edges but ultimately holds a love for humanity as a whole and can offer valuable knowledge and magical items to players who gain her trust.


Greeting (Wearing Dwimor Attire)

1. (Sarcastic) Take a wrong turn now did we?

2. (Amused) You’re either very lost, or spent a great deal of effort to get lost here.

3. (Suspicious/Bitter) How did you find this place? Well you’re in my abode now, the least you can do is state your business.

4. (Annoyed) Another boy/girl/child lost in the woods? State your business.

5. (Annoyed) Oh hells, I haven’t the time to guide another lost boy/girl/child. Who are you?

6. (Annoyed) This isn’t a place for idle wandering. State your business.

7. (Suspicious/Sarcastic) Keep your distance adventurer. I haven’t had the displeasure of meeting you yet.

8.(Suspicious) You don’t look like the usual riff-raff, but then again, looks can be deceiving. What do you want?

9. (Annoyed/Sarcastic) Another lost girl/boy/child, how delightful. The exit is behind you, otherwise make it quick.

10. (Annoyed/Sarcastic) I’m not privy to interruptions from a lost girl/boy/child. Make it quick.

11. (Annoyed/Sarcastic) Well what do we have here? Another lost boy/girl/child to shoo away?

12. (Annoyed/Sarcastic) Another lost boy/girl/child stumbling into my home. Make it quick.

1. (Sarcastic) You’re either incredibly brave or incredibly stupid to seek me out. I pray it is stupidity.

2. (Sarcastic) Ah, another moth drawn to the flame. Do you not fear getting burned, or are you just a sadist?

3. (Annoyed) If you’re seeking Lysandra Praelixan, you’ve found her. Let’s hope your answer isn’t a cause for me to raise my staff.

4. (Sarcastic) So, the Dwimor hasn’t forgotten me yet, or at least my research. Go on, state your business.

5. (Threatening) You must have a deathwish to come seeking me in my own home. State your business.

6. (Annoyed) Well well well. I was wondering when the next lackey would show up.

7. (Annoyed) I thought I smelled broken dreams and bureaucracy. Here to finish me off?

8. (Sarcastic) Here again to grovel and beg for my research?

9. (Annoyed) Oh joy, another Dwimor pawn. You’d best speak fast lest I raise my staff.

10. (Annoyed) What do you want, Dwimor lapdog? Speak your piece and leave.

11. (Sarcastic)I thought I smelled corruption and betrayal. What do you want, Dwimor lackey?

12. (Sarcastic) Another Dwimor puppet here to dance on the doorstop? Well I’m not in the mood, so be quick or be gone.

Greeting (Met Before - Positive)

Greeting (Met Before - Negative)

1. (Sarcastic) You must really enjoy my company. Or perhaps you’re just a glutton for punishment.

2. (Bemused) The curious boy/girl/child seeking my wisdom once more. Try not to bore me.

3. (Sarcastic) You again? I hope you’re not expecting a warm welcome.

4. (Sarcastic) I suppose you have a reason for disturbing me. Let’s hear it, quickly.

5. (Sarcastic) Oh joy, company. Do try not to annoy me too much.

6. (Bemused) The brave soul seeking knowledge once more. Or perhaps you’re just bothering me for fun?

7. (Sarcastic) What brings you back? I’m afraid I’m all out of muffins.

8. (Sarcastic) Back so soon? Well, let’s hope this conversation is more worthwhile than last time.

9. (Bemused) Ah, the persistent type, aren’t you? Let’s see if you’re worth my attention.

10. (Annoyed) I hope you have a good reason for bothering me. I’m not known for my patience.

11. (Sarcastic) Well, look who’s decided to grace me with their presence again. Don’t get too comfortable.

12. (Sarcastic) Oh joy, it’s you. Please, try to contain your excitement. What do you want now?

1. (Annoyed) If you’re here to waste my time, you might as well turn around now.

2. (Annoyed) I’m not in the mood for idle chatter. State your business and be gone.

3. (Annoyed) If you’re not here to offer something of value, I suggest you leave before I lose my patience.

4. (Annoyed) What now? Can’t you take a hint and leave me be?

5. (Sarcastic) You’re like a persistent itch that refuses to go away. What do you want this time?

6. (Sarcastic) Back for more? Don’t you have anything better to do with your time?

7. (Sarcastic) Oh joy, it’s you again. What fresh annoyance do you bring today?

8. (Sarcastic) I see you’re determined to test my patience. What is it now?

9. (Annoyed) Honestly, you’re like a stray dog that won’t stop following me around. What do you want?

10. (Annoyed) I don’t have time for this. State your business and be gone.

11. (Sarcastic) Just what I was looking forward to today, more inane questions. What now?

12. (Annoyed) I’m not in the mood for talking. Make it quick or be gone.


1. (Neutral) Tread carefully. The path to knowledge is fraught with dangers, and I am not in the habit of rescuing fools.

2. (Neutral) Magic is not a toy for the unwise or the unwary, walk carefully child.

3. (Neutral) Curiosity can be a dangerous thing. Let’s hope yours doesn’t lead you to an early grave.

4. (Neutral) If you see any monstrous anomalies, bring back a sample, will you?

5. (Sarcastic) Adieu. Next time send a letter.

6. (Sarcastic) About time, I was getting bored.

7. (Annoyed) Good, you were on the edge of overstaying your welcome. Be gone.

8. (Neutral) Very well, go back from whence you came. Try not to waste what little knowledge I’ve given you here.

9. (Sarcastic) Good. I wouldn’t recommend lingering unless you enjoy the clinging of Dwimor lackeys on your ankles.

10. (Neutral) Good. Now do make the most of the knowledge you’ve gained here.

11. (Neutral) Well, you’ve extracted what little wisdom you could from me. Now go, and let me return to my work.

12. (Sarcastic) Off you go, then. Try not to get yourself killed before you’ve had a chance to put my knowledge to good use.

Combat Start

Combat Attack

1. (Surprised) Really now? Your death wish.

2. (Annoyed) Let’s make this quick, I haven’t got all day.

3. (Threatening) A wolf in peasant’s clothing. Let’s teach you some manners.

4. (Annoyed) Here we go again.

5. (Annoyed) Another lackey, another grave. Come now, let’s test your mettle.

6. (Incredulous) You must be joking. Let’s hope you’re as resilient as you are dense.

7. (Threatening) Prepare to be burned little boy/girl/child. You chose poorly.

8. (Threatening) I’ve been wanting to test a new spell. Thanks for the excuse.

1. (Angry Shout) Mae liv caen!

2. (Angry Shout) Necris aun tukuul!

3. (Angry Shout) Burn!

4. (Threatening) I’d recommend you run.

5. (Angry Shout) Acantor liv nie!

6. (Threatening) Death awaits you, little boy/girl/child

7. (Threatening) Perhaps this will make you reconsider

8. (Angry Shout) Rrrrrah!

Low Damage Hit

High Damage Hit

1. (Sarcastic) Oh, look at you, trying to play with fire.

2. (Condescending) Mediocre spellcraft, care to see a demonstration?

3. (Sarcastic) Well, aren’t you just full of surprises? Let’s show you some real spellcraft.

4. (Sarcastic) Did you think you could outspell me boy/girl/child? How adorable!

5. (Condescending). Cute that you’re trying. Let’s leave the spellcraft to real professionals, alright?

6. (Condescending) How quaint.

7. (Sarcastic) Good attempt. Let me show you how it’s really done boy/girl/child.

8. (Condescending) Well, look whose trying to dabble in the arcanes. Don’t hurt yourself now. 

1. (Annoyed) Urgh… color me impressed, and mildly annoyed.

2. (Arrogant) Ahg… Well well, looks like you’ve some bite after all. Let’s not get too confident, hm?

3. (Arrogant) -Sharp breathe through closed teeth- That stings. I’ll give you credit where it’s due, but don’t think it’ll happen again

4. (Arrogant) Mmgr. I see you’ve got some skill, or luck. Either way I’m not amused.

5. (Threatening) Ahhg!! You might want to savor that moment, because it won’t last.

6. (Arrogant) Hrg. Not bad. Let’s see if you can’t keep up, shall we?

7. (Arrogant) Ahg. Well, you’ve certainly grabbed my attention, but that’s as far as it goes.

 8. (Arrogant) Tch. Like a Zhrain’s horn. Don’t look too hopeful.

Contact Me

You can find me on the following platforms, or email me at