Dvire Agbayani Bark Samples



Name: Drive Agbayani

Pronouns: He/Him

Race: Half-Harengon

Age: Early 20s

Allegiance: Positively aligned to the Lotus Monastery (fighting/martial arts faction)

Purpose: Introduction NPC to the Lotus Monastery and potential companion

Dvire Agbayani is a young, excitable, always hopping back and forth, half-harengon half-human. He is an up and coming martial arts apprentice who has trouble standing still (and shutting up), and is always excited to talk to anyone and everyone. To aid with his patience and reflection, he was told to teach others the basics of martial arts and now he is excited to meet new people who might want to know more about martial arts and fighting.


Greeting (Met Before - Positive)

1. (Excited) Allo!

2. (Excited) HellO!

3. (Excited) YOU THERE! Hi.

4. (Excited) Can I, perchance, interest you! innn something pretty cool?

5. (Excited) You! Yes! You! Hi.

6. (Excited) MY FRIEND! Or, well, not yet. BUT SOON TO BE! Hello.

7. (Excited) HELLO! Sorry, that was a little too much energy. Hi.

8. (Excited) Yooooou look like a very interesting person to talk to. So heLllOo.

9. (Excited) Hello! Do you like punching things? That’s actually, probably, a bad opener. SO let’s start with hi instead.

10. (Relieved) OH GOOD finally I’ve been standing here for… minutes helLo!

1. (Cheerful) Kuuyyyaaa! What’s uup?

2. (Cheerful) Heyyy good to see ya again!

3. (Joking) Who are you..? Charot charot it’s good to see you!

4. (Cheerful) Heyy Kuya! Good to see ya!

5. (Excited) MY FRIEND! You’re back!

6. (Relieved) OH good. I was getting bored. Wwhat’s up?

7. (Excited) Kuya! Time to sparr?

8. (Cheerful) Ohhey! 

9. (Goofy) HellLLoo again Kuya.

10. (Relieved) FinALLY I was wondering when you’d show up again Kuya! Wassup?


1. (Cheerful) Okay! See you!

2. (Cheerful) Paalam na!

3. (Cheerful) Okie dokie, see you!

4. (Cheerful) Byeee!

5. (Cheerful) See yooooou…laterrr

6. (Cheerful) Seeya! Lemme know if you wanna punch somethin!

7. (Cheerful) Tiiillll next time!

8. (Cheerful) Coolcool, see you soon!

9. (Cheerful) Aight! Bai!

10. (Goofy) SAYOnaraaa

Combat Start

Combat Attack

1. (Surprised) Ohshit ohfuck, okay, let’s go!

2. (Excited) Alright, put ’em up!

3. (Excited) O’sige o’sige! Let’s get started!

4. (Excited) Wasn’t expectin’ to sparr, but let’s go!

5. (Arrogant) Good, things were gettin’ a liiiitle boring

6. (Excited) Ohohoho alright, let’s go!

7. (Excited) We throwin’ hands? Okay, okay!

8. (Relieved) Gods bless I was standin’ still for WAY too long!

9. (Arrogant) Alright, you’re on let’s go!

10. (Excited) Okay then, let’s get this started!

1. Hup!

2. H’yah!

3. Hm!

4. Yah!

5. H’ddyuh!

6. Wachaw!

7. Wacaw!

8. Heyah!

Low Damage Hit

High Damage Hit

1. (Goading) Come onn, you can do better than that!

2. (Excited/Goading) Alright, hit me again!

3. (Excited/Goading) C’mon! Put your back into it!

4. (Excited) Okay! O’sige O’sige!

5. (Mocking) -chuckle- Come onn, put a little more into it!

6. (Goading) That’s all you got? Lets go lets go

7. (Excited) One more, one more!

8. (Goading) Ahh you can do better than that!

1. (Surprised/Encouraging) Eurgh. Not bad, you can do better though!

2. (Surprised) Oof, alright, not a bad jab

3. (Goading) Not bad, but I’m still standing eh?

4. (Surprised/Hurt) Ough, okay I felt that I felt that

5. (Excited) Alright! Now we’re talkin’!

6. (Hurt/Excited) -big exhale- oOw! Alright you mean business!

7. (Hurt/Excited) Ayyaa, that’s gonna leave a mark, damn!

8. (Excited) Uumhfg! Okay, not bad not bad!

Contact Me

You can find me on the following platforms, or email me at koa.johnson99@gmail.com